Dear December #31 + 2

Dear December

There have been over two weeks since I last wrote to you, and my absence have been a sign of, and an action of, one thing; running away. You know exactly how these past weeks have been and therefor I will not address this subject further. I will do what I can and avoid it. I mean.. I will do what I can and wisely leave it be. Ofcourse.

So instead I will tell you a little bit about the amazing invention that goes by the soothing name "tea". The fact that I daily consume an enormous amount of tea is not something I haven't already realized. Tea helps me to wake up in the morning and it helps me to relax in the evening, and anytime in between it's just really good at keeping me company. Whenever I'm sad I make a cup of tea. Whenever I wait for something I figure I might aswell make a cup of tea. Whenever I have friends over I offer them a cup of tea. Whenever I feel inspired and maybe start to write some music there's a cup of tea by my side. Gonna watch a good movie? Cup of tea! Bored? Tea!
Tea comes in different shapes and sizes - shapes being squared bags, pyramidic bags and round teastrainers, and sizes being.. well, the size of the mug I guess. And how many of those mugs of tea you tend to devour. Even though I see myself as quite an expert in the tea-drinking field me and my conservative taste buds always drink the same one-track flavours as I always have - Earl Gray (black citrus tea), Lady Gray (black citrus tea), Earl Green (green citrus Earl Gray tea) and sometimes I spice it up with a nice standard lemon tea. There is not much of a variety on my tea shelf, as you can tell. But it's familiar and it never fails.

I have many times made a decision to drink less tea, and to be honest I always do quite good - given how huge of a deal tea drinking is to me. I also tend to drink more tea when I'm stressed or worried, and with the new year just behind us and given how worried I've been lately (thereof a lot more tea) - I made the decision to again start drinking less of this splendid hot and comforting beverage. It is after a decision like this that I really realize how much of an extra limp my tea is. I always have a cup in my hands or else I might aswell get confused regarding what purpose my hands should fill. Without it there is just simply something missing in the picture.
(Although, to be completely serious, I haven't had a cup of tea in maybe 4 hours and I'm looking for other things to entertain myself with, to fill the gap of the tea. Eat something maybe? Or drink hot chocolate instead? Fiddle with something? Anything? It's not that I need tea specifically, but I need something. A constant distraction. A tranquilizer.)

I will write to you about my current thoughts and feelings but I will save it for a day when I'm not avoiding it. I need to get it down black on white eventually, I've always been in need of doing so in order to deal with things - but today does not seem to be the day.

Thank you. And sorry for leaving another project up on a shelf. I promise I have big plans ahead.
Auf Wiedersehen.
