Dear December 16
Dear December
Even though you have still not brought us snow and we've had heavy rain for the past few days and even though I have had a really rough time lately, I am actually going to bed tonight in a really happy mood. I don't know exactly what has caused it, since I was struggling hard just this morning, but I've seen some friendly faces at the best place to work I think I've ever had. The tasks or chores might not always be the most fun, but to be surrounded with these lovely, understanding and caring people, visitors and employees, makes it all seem like no effort at all. And based on where life has brought me at this very moment there could be no better place for me to be. I'm struggling hard with stress, so my boss has suggested some time ago that we don't have to be that precise regarding what time I arrive and what time I leave. I'm struggling with Endometriosis and stomach pain so my boss and my colleagues encourage me to go and take a nap if needed. They all remind me to take a break every now and then and sit down with a cup of tea and some fika when they notice that I'm in need of it and I'm stubborn enough not to realize it myself. And I can tell that they really care about me and not first and foremost the amount of workforce I can bring to the table.
When I got the phone call saying that it was okay for me to cut down on my working hours from 100% to almost 30% I was extremely relieved, and I felt like I'd been given a second chance in life, even if that sounds silly. But even though no words can describe the happiness I found in that decision I couldn't help feeling bad somehow. It was a disappiontment burried somewhere in there and I couldn't tell if I was the one who was disappointed in myself or if I thought I'd disappointed my boss and colleagues. The staff of Kärnhuset show no such thing as disappointment in me, rather the opposite. And if they comment on my absence it is only that they've missed me and that they're happy to see me again.
I am blessed. I am so incredibly, truly, ridiculously blessed and I show God my gratefulness every day. It still puzzles me how great and perfect God's timing is, you know. When I quit my job at that gas station I has no idea what so ever what would happen next. I assumed nothing, just another few months of unemployment. The very day after I'd phoned my boss to say I'd quit immediately - I got this internship. I had so little of a clue of what sort of job I was supposed to practice but I was happy to have something. Little did I know I would fall in love with the place.
Even though you have still not brought us snow and we've had heavy rain for the past few days and even though I have had a really rough time lately, I am actually going to bed tonight in a really happy mood. I don't know exactly what has caused it, since I was struggling hard just this morning, but I've seen some friendly faces at the best place to work I think I've ever had. The tasks or chores might not always be the most fun, but to be surrounded with these lovely, understanding and caring people, visitors and employees, makes it all seem like no effort at all. And based on where life has brought me at this very moment there could be no better place for me to be. I'm struggling hard with stress, so my boss has suggested some time ago that we don't have to be that precise regarding what time I arrive and what time I leave. I'm struggling with Endometriosis and stomach pain so my boss and my colleagues encourage me to go and take a nap if needed. They all remind me to take a break every now and then and sit down with a cup of tea and some fika when they notice that I'm in need of it and I'm stubborn enough not to realize it myself. And I can tell that they really care about me and not first and foremost the amount of workforce I can bring to the table.
When I got the phone call saying that it was okay for me to cut down on my working hours from 100% to almost 30% I was extremely relieved, and I felt like I'd been given a second chance in life, even if that sounds silly. But even though no words can describe the happiness I found in that decision I couldn't help feeling bad somehow. It was a disappiontment burried somewhere in there and I couldn't tell if I was the one who was disappointed in myself or if I thought I'd disappointed my boss and colleagues. The staff of Kärnhuset show no such thing as disappointment in me, rather the opposite. And if they comment on my absence it is only that they've missed me and that they're happy to see me again.
I am blessed. I am so incredibly, truly, ridiculously blessed and I show God my gratefulness every day. It still puzzles me how great and perfect God's timing is, you know. When I quit my job at that gas station I has no idea what so ever what would happen next. I assumed nothing, just another few months of unemployment. The very day after I'd phoned my boss to say I'd quit immediately - I got this internship. I had so little of a clue of what sort of job I was supposed to practice but I was happy to have something. Little did I know I would fall in love with the place.